Resiliency Reader - Summer 2016
Welcome to the Summer 2016 edition of the Resiliency Reader eNewsletter brought to you by the Al Siebert Resiliency Center.
We hope you will find the information and articles below useful in your quest to become more resilient. Please join in the conversation either at our online forum, or by submitting your article, review, upcoming event or other resiliency-related resources to us for possible publication via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We encourage your submissions!
Table of Contents
- Molly's Corner — A few words from our Director
- Shaping Oneself from the Inside (article by Glen Fahs )
- Resiliency: Nature or Nurture? (article by Molly Siebert )
- Your #1 Most Important Resilience Mindset (article by Michelle Atlas)
- Elie Wiesel: Passing of a Resiler
- Quote of the Quarter
- Question of the Quarter
- Worthwhile Read: Night by Elie Wiesel
- Announcements: Resiliency Opportunities in Europe
- Mailing List options
Molly's Corner:
Happy Summer! Our summer newsletter is diverse regarding resiliency information. Diversity brings me to our first topic from Dr. Glen Fahs about Steve Hanamura who is a nationally recognized disability and diversity employment advocate and speaker. I am fascinated how Steve's advocacy for the employment of people from diverse cultures and those with disabilities ties into organizational change and development on an even more profound level than "normal" organizational change and development. He is an inspirational speaker, consultant, and coach. I truly enjoyed learning about this most fascinating man.
I also want to share what I found recently while searching for "resiliency" online. I found a rather fascinating debate and research on the following question: Is resiliency innate, is resiliency developed or is it a combination of innate capacity and development? I invite you to read about it and comment on our forum.
Our next article this month, "Your #1 Most Important Resilience Mindset," is from our certified facilitator, Michelle Atlas, who weaves resiliency into her daily work empowering others.
We also want to bring your awareness to a profound human rights activist and professor who was another voice of resiliency as a Holocaust survivor. Elie Wiesel, who passed away recently, was a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and prolific author of nearly sixty books. You might find his books inspirational and noteworthy. I encourage you to google him and learn even more.
Please see out announcements section for some resiliency opportunities in Sweden and Germany. We want to introduce you to our most recently certified Resiliency Facilitator, Harry Sarve, who lives in Sweden, and make you aware of Resilitator Julia Scharnhorst's newsletter for health care professionals.
As always, we do enjoy providing you with information about resilient people, ideas, and concepts and appreciate your interest, comments, and suggestions. Happy reading and enjoy the rest of your summer.
~ Molly Siebert, Director, Al Siebert Resiliency Center
"My life sings of connections with life, spirit and you!"

Shaping Oneself from the Inside
~ by Glen Fahs, PhD
Steve Hanamura was born blind but that didn't stop him from envisioning an ambitious future. He expected greatness and against, all odds, achieved it. I recruited Steve first to be Program Chair and then to be President of the Oregon chapter of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD — recently re-titled ATD: Association for Talent Development). The latter volunteer job demanded at least four out-of-state council meetings. He wasn't sure he wanted to travel that much or was ready to lead a thriving chapter. He went back and forth three times before ... READ MORE

Resiliency: Nature or Nurture?
~ by Molly Siebert
There are some professionals and researchers who believe resilience "is not a trait or something that some children simply possess" and "there is no such thing as an 'invulnerable child.'" — one that is innately resilient It is their belief that "resilience is the product of a large number of developmental processes over time that has allowed children who experience some sort of risk to continue to develop completely." (Yates) My question to you is what do you believe? Do you believe resiliency is based ... READ MORE
Your #1 Most Important Resilience Mindset
~ by Michelle Atlas
One of my favorite parts of my business, in addition to working directly with my coaching clients, is writing about principles that have changed my life, and can change yours. If you're a creative, spirit-driven person, you know it is crucial to spend time in inspiring, spirit-feeding activities. It's how you remember who you are, so you can keep expressing the real you and serving at the highest level.
Practicing what fosters your optimal well-being strengthens your resilience. Resilience enables us to gracefully navigate non-stop challenge and change. It is at the heart of the success of every thriving, creative human being... READ MORE

Elie Wiesel: The Passing of a Resiler
~ by Kristin Pintarich
We'd like to pay tribute to one of the most outspoken Holocaust survivors, Elie Wiesel, who died in July. Wiesel was 15 years old when he and his family were sent to a string of concentration camps, initially enduring the death of his mother, younger sister, and eventually his father. After years of silence on the Holocaust, Wiesel opened up about the experience, wrote his best-selling memoir Night, relocated to New York City, became a US citizen, and spent his life devoted to remembrance of the Holocaust and prevention of future atrocities. Themes common to Wiesel’s body of work are to never forget and "never again." Both of which are integral to the resiliency... READ MORE
Resiliency Quote of the Quarter:

~ by Elie WieselThere are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you lose, you win.
Holocaust survivor, Nobel Laureate
Quote source: The Little Book of Romanian Wisdom (by Doroftei & Cross, ISBN13: 978-0975280263, Hoshin Media, 2011).
Research Question of the Quarter:
After reading Molly's article Resiliency: Nature or Nurture, and based on your knowledge and belief, "Is resiliency innate, is resiliency developed or is it a combination of innate capacity and development? And, if everyone has the gene, what factors affect the level of capacity for resilience?"
Worthwhile Read:
Night by Elie Wiesel
Originally published in 1956 (1960 in English), Night is the memoir of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. He was a teenager in Romania when he and his family were sent to Birkenau, and then with his father, Auschwitz, Buna, Gliewitz and himself onto Buchenwald. While it is a grim and tragic narrative, it is a fascinating account of the people and struggles he met along his journey of survival.
Soft cover, 120 pages, ISBN: 978-0374500016. Reprint edition with author preface ©2006 Hill and Wang
View on
Announcements: Resiliency Opportunities in Europe!
- We'd like to welcome our latest ASRC Certified Resiliency Facilitator. Harry Sarve lives in Sweden and with his company, Raplex, brings resiliency training and consulting to organizations in his nation. His company, Raplex, is named from the combination of rapid change and complexity. Contact Harry:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 46-0706-66-88-26 - We'd also like to announce that ASRC Certified Resiliency Facilitator Julia Scharnhorst, along with her Germany-based company, Health Professionals Plus, releases a regular newsletter dealing with resiliency, stress, and occupational health—however, any of us can benefit from her writings. View her newsletters at:, and contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note: The sites above are in Swedish and German, respectively, but you can paste the site URLs into the translate box at to get a reasonable translation of the sites. Also, both Harry and Julia do speak English.
ASRC contact information
The Resiliency Reader is published by the Al Siebert Resiliency Center.
You may contact us at PO Box 505, Portland, OR 97207-0505 USA, or 1-503-289-3295 x2
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