Resiliency Reader - Winter 2015
Welcome to the Winter 2015 edition of the Resiliency Reader eNewsletter brought to you by the Al Siebert Resiliency Center. We've just remodeled the ASRC site and will be adding more resources in the near future, planning for a formal "re-launch" later in the spring. Let us know what you think.
We hope you will find the information and articles below useful in your quest to become more resilient. Please join in the conversation either at our online forum, or by submitting your article, review, upcoming event or other resiliency-related resources to us for possible publication. We welcome your submissions!
Table of Contents
- Molly's Corner — a few words from our Director
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (book review)
- Developing a Culture of Resiliency - Key Elements (summary paper)
- Research Question of the Quarter
- Resiliency Quote of the Quarter
- Worthwhile Reads
- Upcoming Events - July 18 - Save the Date!
- Mailing List options
Molly's Corner:

During this time of the reemergence of longer days and light, I want to thank you all for your support and interest in resiliency. As Director of the Al Siebert Resiliency Center, I am reflective and celebratory on ASRC's accomplishments this past year. It is my hope the message we provide in our resiliency work and newsletters will bring joy and continued learning for each and every one of you. May the year 2015 bring you peace and joy.
Are you really listening?
In loving memory of my father who passed away a few months ago, I wanted to bring to you one of my father's self-learned lessons. He carried business cards, "Making the Human Connection." On the back of the business card there is a question: "Are you really listening?" When he created his business cards years ago and showed them to me, I thought to myself, "Oh Dad, you and your Toastmasters...." It took me some years to realize the message he was delivering to me and to others was a precious gift if we were astute enough to understand his gift to humanity. READ MORE...
~ Molly Siebert, Director, Al Siebert Resiliency Center
"My life sings of connections with life, spirit and you!"
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success — How we can learn to fulfill our potential by Carol Dweck, PhD
I love this book. There were lots of "aha" moments while reading it. What struck me immediately is how the book demonstrates how we set the tone of life experiences with our mindset, and how different types of mindsets will respond to challenges and the unfamiliar differently. Is your mindset fixed on successes and failures or is your mindset fluid with growth and development? Once you reach your "success," will you stop your growth? It is unlikely. Recognizing the existence of a growth and development mindset shifts the paradigm in your response to life's challenges. It solidifies the resiliency skills of curiosity, lifelong learning and open-mindedness without judgment. Dweck states, "Mindsets frame the running account that's taking place in people's heads" and, READ MORE...
(Provided by Molly Siebert)
Developing a Culture of Resiliency - Key Elements
This past July, the ASRC had the privilege to be invited to present a session at the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication. This conference, held annually at the Reed College campus in Portland, Oregon, draws participants from across the globe to build awareness of how different cultures with different social norms can interact successfully with each other.
Glen Fahs and Michelle Atlas embraced the task of presenting a day-long workshop, "Developing a Culture of Resiliency." From that, they developed a four-page summary document of the key elements that we're offering as a free gift to you, our Resiliency Reader subscribers! DOWNLOAD PDF HERE...
The ASRC will again be presenting a one-day workshop on "Cultivating Resiliency in Times of Nonstop Change" at the SIIC in 2015. See details in Upcoming Events below.
Research Question of the Quarter:
Carol Dweck's book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success discusses how your attitude affects your outcomes. A fixed mindset tends to be most happy with things proceed along in a predictable way. A growth mindset is one that sees that intelligence can change and views challenges as stepping stones to new opportunities. With that in mind, our quarterly discussion question is: If you had to choose, which would it be? Loads of predictability or lots of challenge? Why?
Resiliency Quote of the Quarter:
The test of success is not what you do when you are on top.
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
— General George S. Patton, Jr.
Worthwhile Reads:
- How High Can You Bounce?
Roger Crawford, ISBN: 0-553-10461-6, 240 pages, ©1998 Bantam Books
View on Amazon.comElevating and inspiring, this book is Roger Crawford's practical road map to resilience. Learn how to access resources you never knew you had, "flex" your mental muscles to improve them, and make resilience your springboard to success throughout life. This book blends humor, savvy and hard-worn wisdom as it shows readers how to turn setbacks into comebacks ... every day. Roger was born with deformities in all his limbs, but chose to think of himself as inconvenienced rather than handicapped. Read more about Roger's story or visit Roger's website:
Resilience: Discovering a New Strength at Times of Stress
Frederich Flach, MD, Softcover, 240 pages, ISBN: 978-1578261482, ©2004 Hatherleigh Press
View on
Dr. Frederic Flach takes the anxiety out of hard times by showing you how to embrace your fears and become stronger because of them. Drawing on over thirty years of experience, Flach reveals the remarkable antidote to the destructive qualities of stress: RESILIENCE. Readers will discover: how to develop the 14 traits that will make you more resilient; why "falling apart" is the smartest step to take on the road to resilience, the sanity-saving technique of distracting yourself, the helpful five-step plan for creative problem-solving, the power of language to destroy and heal…and more!
Upcoming Events:
- Join Us July 18, 2015, in Portland, Oregon!
"Cultivating Resiliency in Times of Nonstop Change"
The ASRC is once again presenting a one-day conference as part of the "A Sample of SIIC" workshop sponsored by the Intercultural Communication Institute. This intensive conference is designed for change agents, consultants, facilitators, leaders, and negotiators who want to master disruptive change and loss with in-depth resiliency application and skills. For more information:
- Registration opens soon.
- More information about the SIIC: (Note: this site is generally updated in February for current year's conference.)
- 2015 Cultivating Resiliency in Times of Nonstop Change page at the SIIC site
- See for the latest updates.
ASRC contact information
The Resiliency Reader is published by the Al Siebert Resiliency Center.
You may contact us at PO Box 505, Portland, OR 97207-0505 USA, or 503-289-3295 x2
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